Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Sometimes you gotta step out of your comfort zone. I don’t know about you, but I much prefer to stay in my comfort zone. It’s way easier inside my comfort zone. I know how things work inside my comfort zone. I know what to expect inside my comfort zone. I mean, I just feel comfortable…

Call Me Mr. Arrogant

Call Me “Mr. Arrogant”

You can just call me Mr. Arrogant.  Or Captain Cocky.  Ooh, or how about Pastor Proud! Yep, there’s a lot of arrogance in me. “But, wait, Markus.  Didn’t you tell us in your last blog post that you struggled with feeling like you weren’t enough?” I did.  And here’s the crazy part.  Arrogance is really…