1. In the episode, Todd Hunter discusses the concept of “bad religion” and its impact on individuals and communities. What are some examples of bad religion that you have encountered, and how do you think they can be addressed within the church?
2. Todd Hunter emphasizes the importance of listening and engaging with others, especially those who have been victimized, while remaining grounded in fundamental beliefs. How do you maintain this balance in your own interactions within your faith community?
3. The eschatological worldview and the concept of God healing the world through his people are discussed in detail. How does this perspective influence your understanding of fear and anxiety in the world today?
4. Todd Hunter shares his reflections on the idea of fitting into the larger story of God’s redemption and renewal of the world. How does this perspective impact your sense of purpose and calling within your spiritual journey?
5. The conversation explores the need to engage with others while being grounded in Christ’s teachings and person. How do you approach meaningful conversations with those who may hold different beliefs or perspectives from your own?
6. Todd Hunter emphasizes the importance of seeking renewal and reconnection with Jesus, especially for those who may feel disengaged from traditional church practices. How do you personally reengage with Jesus and explore spirituality outside of traditional church settings?
7. The concept of missional innovation and creating new expressions of Christian community is discussed. How open are you to exploring new forms of church and community, and what might this look like for you in your context?
8. The episode suggests tailoring church practices to different communities and embracing various forms of church beyond traditional settings. How do you think church practices and expressions can be adapted to meet the diverse needs of different communities?
9. Todd Hunter describes his experience with a contemplative small group during a period of disconnection from traditional church practices. Have you experienced or sought out alternative forms of spiritual community during times of disconnection or disillusionment?
10. The conversation acknowledges the value of traditional church forms while encouraging openness to various expressions of faith. How do you balance your appreciation for traditional church practices with a willingness to explore new and unconventional expressions of Christian community?