1. What challenges does Roy Inzunza face as a corporate chaplain, particularly in a diverse workplace where most employees may not identify as Christian?
2. In what ways does Roy’s Doctor of Ministry degree help him in his role as a corporate chaplain?
3. What is the concept of moving from the “red zone” to the “blue zone” in terms of managing conflict, as discussed by Roy Inzunza?
4. How does Roy navigate resistance and pushback when trying to make adaptive shifts in the workplace?
5. Discuss the importance of joy and morale in the workplace. How can adaptive leadership help increase joy in the workplace?
6. How does Roy’s approach to leadership relate with the concept of “staying in one’s lane”?
7. What are some examples of adaptive experiments Roy is trying to address the pain points in the workplace?
8. How does Roy’s role as a chaplain extend beyond just providing spiritual care to also monitoring employee morale? 90. How does Roy handle the challenges of addressing pain points that contribute to low morale in a workplace setting?