1. How do you personally deal with conflict? Are you more inclined to avoid it or to confront it head-on?
2. What are some reasons why the absence of conflict may not always be possible or even good?
3. How can conflict be healthy and beneficial for personal growth and organizational progress?
4. As a leader, how do you navigate conflicts within your team or organization in a healthy way?
5. What strategies or techniques have you found useful for staying engaged in conflict and maintaining open communication?
6. What role does curiosity play in resolving conflicts? How can asking questions and seeking understanding contribute to finding common ground?
7. Can you think of a specific example from your own experience where healthy conflict led to positive change or growth within a ministry or organization?
8. How do you balance the desire to maintain a sense of home and familiarity within a community with the need to welcome and reach out to people who are different from the dominant group?
9. In what ways can conflict be a catalyst for clarifying values and goals within a church or organization?
10. How can leaders create a safe and inclusive environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions and engaging in healthy conflict?