1. How have you personally experienced the challenges of ministry leadership during times of great change?
2. Do you agree with the statement that churches pre-COVID were overprogrammed and under-discipled? Why or why not?
3. What is the connection between programming and discipleship? How has COVID disrupted this connection?
4. Share an example of an “old wineskin” in your ministry context that needed to be set aside in order to make room for new wine.
5. How would you define a discipleship pathway? What are some different ways this pathway can look in various contexts?
6. What does it mean for discipleship to be centered in the life of the congregation? How does this impact the role of pastors in discipleship?
7. Why is it important for discipleship to be formation for mission? How can discipleship become too institutionalized or individualized?
8. Have you encountered any competing values or mental models that have hindered discipleship in your ministry? How did you address them?
9. How can reframing the purpose of discipleship help churches navigate the challenges of overprogramming and underdiscipling?
10. In what ways can your church or ministry focus more on missionally-focused discipleship? What steps can be taken to make this shift?