1. According to Tom Sine, what are two past ways of thinking that hinder our ability to see the future?
2. In what ways does the Enlightenment and individualism impact our understanding of faith and community?
3. How does the quote from Tom Sine highlight the perspective of middle class white folks in Western culture?
4. Why is it important for middle class white folks to recognize their own worldview perspective when interpreting the Bible and understanding the world?
5. What recommendations does Tod Bolsinger give to break out of the standard way of seeing the world and expand our perspective?
6. How can reading the Bible in community with people who are different from us shape our understanding of faith and community?
7. What challenges may arise when attempting to engage in conversation with people who have different perspectives on spirituality or faith?
8. How can listening instead of correcting or debating help to build relationships and foster growth in understanding?
9. How can growth occur when both dominant culture leaders and those from different backgrounds engage in conversations and learn from each other’s perspectives?