00:01:32 Being vulnerable is crucial for leading churches through change. Stay open to correction, empathize with others, and reflect on yourself. Security in relationships is essential.
00:03:27 Leaders need three types of relationships: partners (who care more about the mission than themselves), friends (who care more about the person than the mission), and mentors (who care about the person’s overall well-being).
00:06:57 Partners, friends, and mentors – important relationships for self-reflection.
2. Why do leaders tend to have fewer relationships as they get older?
– As leaders get older, their responsibilities increase, which can make it challenging to maintain and develop new relationships.
3. What types of relationships do leaders need to engage in healthy self-reflection?
– The three types of relationships needed are partners, mentors, and friends.
4. What is the difference between partners and friends in terms of their focus?
– Partners care more about the mission, while friends care more about the individual.
5. Who are considered mentors in this context?
– Therapists, spiritual directors, and executive coaches are categorized as mentors.
7. What is the natural response when facing criticism and disappointment as a leader?
– The natural response is defensiveness, but it is important to remain open to correction and empathy.
8. Why is vulnerability crucial in leading churches, especially through change?
– Vulnerability allows for learning, self-reflection, and staying open to God’s work.
9. What is the importance of security in relationships for leaders?
– Security in relationships is essential for leaders to stay vulnerable and open.
10. What are some possible sources of support for individuals who struggle in developing relationships?
– Possible sources of support may include family members, friends, pastors or leaders from other churches, counselors, therapists, or spiritual directors.