1. How does Jeff Crosby’s exploration of the concept of an undivided life resonate with your own experiences as a leader or individual striving for spiritual growth?
2. Jeff Crosby discusses the importance of recognizing and naming our longings as a means of shaping healthy leadership and personal development. Can you identify with this idea in your own life and leadership role?
3. What impact can pushing down longings and desires have on leaders, and how might this affect their ability to lead effectively?
4. In the context of a changing world and ministry, how can leaders effectively navigate their longing for past ways and experiences, while also embracing new opportunities and challenges?
5. Jeff Crosby mentions the impact of spiritual practices and how God meets him through fear, anxiety, and forgiveness in the midst of longings. How have spiritual practices helped you navigate your own longings and challenges?
6. Markus Watson expresses his excitement about Jeff’s book, “The Language of the Soul,” and shares his personal connection to it. Have you had a similar response to a book or resource that resonated deeply with your own longings and spiritual journey?
7. How do you think Jeff Crosby’s exploration of the Portuguese word “saudade” influences his writing and the themes of longing and spirituality in his book?
8. What do you think spiritual leadership looks like in the context of recognizing and embracing our longings, both personally and for those we lead?
9. Jeff Crosby emphasizes the importance of spiritual friendship and intentional engagement with others who can relate to shared experiences. How have spiritual friendships and community supported you in navigating loss and change?