[00:05:41] Scot McKnight grew up in a Baptist dispensationalist church but lost interest in eschatology after college. He became intrigued again during his Ph.D. studies on Jewish apocalyptic literature.
[00:08:07] Scot McKnight discusses how he came to view the book of Revelation as part of the Jewish world at the time and not as a set of predictions.
[00:16:22] The text discusses the vision of Babylon in Revelation and the need to resist its corrupting influence by following Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and discerning Babylon’s ways in order to live faithfully. It also mentions the concept of allegiance as a more accurate translation of the word “faith.”
[00:20:46] The text discusses the contrast between New Jerusalem and Babylon in the book of Revelation, highlighting the apocalyptic and violent imagery used by the author. The importance of the Holy Spirit and the distinction between believers and those who have the mark of the beast are also mentioned.
[00:23:14] The marks of Babylon: idolatrous, opulent, murderous, branding, militaristic, economically exploitative, arrogant.
[00:29:46] The text discusses the need for discernment, being faithful witnesses, and the importance of worship in the book of Revelation.
[00:34:01] Worship as subversive language, flipping perceptions, developing theological perception.
1. How does the book of Revelation address the corrupt and powerful Babylon or Rome?
– John’s vision in the book of Revelation addresses the influence of Babylon or Rome, highlighting their corrupt and powerful nature.
2. What are the characteristics of Babylon?
– Babylon is characterized by idolatry, Emperor worship, paganism, and worship of false gods. Opulence, luxury, and extravagance are also emphasized in Babylon’s clothing and appearance. The rulers of Babylon were known for their brutality and the murder of opponents.
3. How does Rome assert its dominance according?
– Rome heavily relies on branding and image to assert its dominance. It leaves monuments and reminders of its conquests, and its powerful military machine played a significant role in its rise to power. Rome also exploits conquered territories for resources, using boats to transport goods back to the empire.
5. How does Scot McKnight interpret the portrayal of violence in Revelation?
– Scot McKnight explains that although violence is sometimes present in Revelation, it is not an endorsement of violence against human beings. Instead, it is a portrayal of a divine militia. The speaker believes that John does not encourage gloating over the punishment of others.
6. How does Scot McKnight explain the concept of worship in relation to the book of Revelation?
– Worship is not just singing songs in the book of Revelation but a whole life commitment that leads to a different perception of the world. It helps develop a theological perception that God is in control and the forces of evil are trying to tempt believers. The book of Revelation highlights the importance of worship through nine songs.
7. What role does Babylon play in society today, according to Scot McKnight?
– Scot McKnight acknowledges that he can see the characteristics of Babylon in society today. He mentions that throughout history, Babylon-like situations have occurred in various places. The challenge for followers of Jesus is to live faithfully in a society influenced by Babylon and remain faithful to their allegiance to Jesus.
8. How does Scot McKnight suggest pastors navigate living in a society influenced by Babylon without the centrality of Christianity?
– Scot McKnight suggests that pastors navigate this challenge by embodying the message of God and being witnesses, even if it leads to martyrdom. He emphasizes the importance of reading the Bible with fresh eyes, allowing the book of Revelation to inform their ministries.
10. How does Scot McKnight suggest Christians should approach worship and the perception of the world?
– The speaker suggests that Christians approach worship as a whole life commitment, not just singing songs. It helps develop a theological perception that God is in control and the forces of evil are trying to tempt believers. Worship plays a crucial role in developing a different perception of the world and living faithfully in a society influenced by Babylon.