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Four Mistakes That Keep Churches From Doing Effective Ministry…and how to stop making those mistakes


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The purpose of this webinar isn’t to emphasize the negative (“mistakes”).  The purpose is to get clear on what we need to stop doing so we can begin to start doing the things that will help us to lead our churches confidently into effective ministry.

We have a tendency to:

  • Concentrate on the wrong metrics—and leads us into less effective ministry
  • Fail to listen—which leads to less than stellar decisions/leadership
  • Do the same old, same old because, well, it’s familiar—but it’s no longer effective
  • Believe the wrong things about God—not theologically, but in terms of what really matters to God

I want you lead well.  I want you to feel confident in your leadership.  I want all of us together to bring God’s healing and wholeness into the world.  Let’s get this conversation started.

Click on one of these times to select your webinar:

Tuesday, February 15, 10am (Pacific)

Thursday, February 17, 3pm (Pacific)

Wednesday, February 23, 10am (Pacific)