Discussion Questions:
1. What does Yolanda Solomon mean when she says the kingdom Jesus proclaims is not a place but a way of life?
2. How does understanding the Kingdom of God as a present reality alter our approach to daily living and ministry?
3. Tod Bolsinger mentions adaptive challenges involving shifts in values, attitudes, or behaviors. What specific adaptive challenges do you face in your life or ministry?
4. Tod suggests considering what it would look like if God was running your business, school, or church. Can you share concrete examples of how this perspective might change your actions in these areas?
5. Dallas Willard says spiritual formation is “your becoming who Jesus would be if he were you.” How can this concept transform your approach to discipleship and spiritual growth?
6. How do you interpret Dallas Willard’s definition of repentance as “reconsider your strategy for living”? What implications does this have for personal and communal faith practices?
7. John Mark Comer’s quote, “love and hurry are incompatible,” resonated with Tod Bolsinger. How does hurry affect your capacity to love and be present? Can you think of practical ways to slow down in your context?
8. Markus Watson talks about embodying the kingdom by slowing down and noticing others. Have you experienced moments when slowing down allowed you to reveal God’s presence more clearly?
9. How can ministry leaders balance the development of a healthy outer life of leadership with a healthy inner life of discipleship, as Markus Watson hopes to achieve through this podcast?
10. Reflecting on Markus’ longing for a world transformed by God’s reign, what steps can your faith community take to progressively embody the values of the Kingdom of God in your local context?
These questions should help facilitate meaningful discussions based on the episode’s content.